Halloween flower ~ Painting with acrylics and napkin ~ Reverse flower dip

Fiona Art
2 min readOct 7, 2021


Halloween season 2021 is here and I will do a Halloween flower with reverse flower dip Fluid Art technique.

Colours and medium that I will use:
- Amsterdam Oxide black
- Vallejo Permanent green
- Pebeo Iridescent yellow green
- Amsterdam Reflex orange
- Pebeo Cadmium orange hue
- Amsterdam Reflex pink
- Vallejo Permanent violet
- Pearl white

My mixing paints video:

Halloween flower

What you need for this Reverse flower dip Acrylic pour painting:
- 10x10 inch canvas
- Acrylic paints mixed with pouring medium
- Flower shaped desert cup
- Paper napkin or towel
- Wooden skewer
- Palete knife
- Torch

- Pour your base on canvas
- Put your FLOWER SHAPED DESERT CUP on the canvas with bottom up
- Pour paints on the bottom of a cup
- Take off the cup
- Use SKEWER to draw some petal shapes
- Gently put PAPER NAPKIN or towel on canvas ( You can use dry or damped napkin)
- Lift one corner at the time and then gently lift it (the middle last)
- Torch it for air bubbles and to activate pearl white and metallic paints
- And here is your flower :)

Halloween flower

My mixing paints video:
Find me on social media:
Facebok: https://www.facebook.com/Fionas-Art-b...
Instagram: @fionaacrylic
My personal page: https://fionaart.si/

My contact email: zemljicr@gmail.com

I consider myself as a experimental contemporary artist. I just like to experiment with different techniques and materials and share my findings to others. Thats how we all grow as Artists and Human.
The biggest inspiration for my art is Nature… and my Mom, who is watching over me from The other side of the Rainbow.
Join me on my Art journey thorough Fluid world!
Hugs from sLOVEnia.

Please understand that I am in no way responsible for the way you use your paint and mediums. Follow all safety instructions of the manufacturers, I can not be held liable.
Be careful and use the proper materials for your safety.
You can’t use any content on my channel, unless I give you a permission!

Halloween flower



Fiona Art
Fiona Art

Written by Fiona Art

Fiona Art is a well-known fluid artist residing in Slovenia, who has garnered international recognition for her work. 400k subscribers on her YouTube channel

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